Energy renovation: an increased budget to support French projects
As part of the Finance Bill for 2024, the government has decided to allocate a further €1.6 billion to finance energy-efficient home renovations. This budget will rise to €5 billion by 2024. The aim is to speed up the pace of renovation work, particularly large-scale renovations. Among the key measures are an increase in aid ceilings for major renovation work and the creation of two new channels to facilitate access to aid.
In particular, specific targeted support will be available to households wishing to improve their comfort in summer and winter (for the installation of ceiling fans).
This increased budget will make it possible to finance
- Significantly increased support for major renovations: up to €70,000 worth of work can be taken into account for the most efficient renovations, and coverage rates will reach 90% for low-income households in energy-inefficient homes;
- An increase in aid for the installation of air/water and geothermal heat pumps, from €1,000 to €2,000 for low- and middle-income households, to speed up the replacement of fossil fuel boilers with low-carbon equipment;
- Support for work to improve summer comfort as part of major renovations, to combat thermal discomfort and better control energy performance in winter.

MaPrimeRénov’ 2024: tax assistance tailored to the needs of households
To ensure that households are properly supported in their energy renovation efforts, the government has introduced two new measures:
- Households undertaking major renovations will be systematically monitored by an independent partner approved by the State – Mon accompagnateur Rénov’. For very low-income households, this support service will be fully paid for, with no out-of-pocket expenses;
- A reform of the Energy Performance Diagnostic (DPE) to better guide households towards work that is appropriate to their situation. The new DPE will make it possible to establish a more accurate assessment of the energy efficiency of buildings, and to better identify situations where comprehensive renovation is required.
Help to improve summer and winter comfort and encourage the use of renewable energies
Under the new rules, which will come into force on 1 January 2024, support for energy renovation will be more generous and better targeted. In particular, households will be able to benefit from specific grants to improve their comfort in summer and winter by installing equipment such as ceiling fans.
In addition, the amount of aid available for the installation of heating systems using renewable energies will be increased. The MaPrimeRénov’ Décarbonation grant will be introduced to encourage the installation of heat pumps and other renewable energy solutions.
Comprehensive renovation for greater energy efficiency
To enable households to reap the full benefits of energy renovation, it is essential to implement a coherent package of measures combining insulation and renewable energy production. To achieve this, households will need to be accompanied by an Anah-approved energy renovation advisor, who will carry out an energy audit to determine what work needs to be carried out.
As a result of the changes planned for MaPrimeRénov’ 2024, French households will be able to count on greater financial assistance, better tailored to their needs, to help them carry out their energy renovation projects. This will not only help to reduce fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, but also improve the quality of life and comfort of occupants all year round.

Find out more on the website of the French Ministry for Ecological Transition.
In conclusion enables you to estimate the amount of support available for renovating your home. to apply for the Renov’ grant.