Your Professional Area
Design offices, architects, installers… Welcome to your dedicated area.
We’ve created the Professional Area as a resource for all our professional partners, from design offices and architects to installers and contractors, to find a wealth of resources on the ceiling-mounted fans we sell.
By registering for free, you can access a wide range of documents and guides for :
- Learn more about professional ceiling fans.
- Recover elements for your standard clauses.
- Consult the technical information and assembly instructions.
- Find out more about the RE2020 regulation.

Register to benefit from the advantages and content of the PROS area
If you would like to integrate ceiling fans into a project to comply with the RE2020, you will find a wealth of resources on our PROS page:
- RE2020 input help sheets
- Technical documentation
- Model clause for CCTP
- Regulations
- HD photographs and educational videos
- Resources on destratification and air mixing
- Support & Request a quote
The complete professional guide to sizing and installing ceiling fans (12 pages) is available in the PRO area!
Register below, and download it in the ‘Pro Menu’ section.
Read our article: How to choose the right ceiling fan? It’s available in the PRO Area!
Register below, and download it in the ‘Pro Menu’ section.
Sign up to get direct access to our resources
* Your password must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter and one number.
Ceiling fans in Ma Prime Rénov’ 2024
The inclusion of ceiling fans in the 2024 version of Ma Prime Renov’ in France is a real step forward for building renovation for all households, whatever their circumstances. Ceiling fans are an economical and easy-to-install solution (without affecting the building) for improving the thermal comfort of occupants all year round.
Whether you’re looking for winter (or autumn) comfort through destratification, or summer comfort through the generation of a cooling breeze, ceiling fans will add a real plus to your renovation at a fraction of the cost.
The tax incentive can be as much as 90% of the cost of the work (see press kit from the French Ministry for Ecological Transition on how MaPrimeRénov’2024 works).
Ceiling fans for everyone
Our ceiling fans are installed in many establishments open to the public (schools, town halls, crèches, secondary schools, universities, administrations, etc.), as well as in collective housing (Ehpad, flats, Crous, military barracks, etc.).
Professional fans provide a simple, fast and cost-effective solution for reducing summer discomfort in all configurations.
Other little-known benefits, such as destratification (winter comfort), also help to reduce energy costs in winter and between seasons (lower heating costs).
Finally, ceiling fans work well in conjunction with air conditioning, as they can delay its start-up or even eliminate the need for it.
There are different models of ceiling fan (with or without blades, with or without light) and different sizes to suit all configurations and budgets.
Whether you’re a client (region, local authority, municipality, social landlord, developer, etc.) or a specifier (architect, design office, etc.), we’re here to help you find the solutions best suited to your objectives, your budget and your expectations.

CPAM Annecy Primary Health Insurance Fund

Mistral primary schools

Proteion retirement home
Ceiling fan sizing and installation guide: our sections
The guide contains the basics for professionals working with ceiling fans. Based on the current state of knowledge, this document is intended to be kept up to date with new studies, publications and feedback.
Here are the main chapters:
- Safety rules
- Hauteur minimale des pales, sécurité additionnelle des ventilateurs sans pales
- Summer use, winter use
- Air velocity, destratification of ambient air
- Zone of influence
- Impact zone, homogeneity of air speeds
- Coupling ceiling fans with passive or active summer comfort solutions
- Energy savings with air conditioning, harmonised air flows, heat and cold distribution
- Relationship between air speed and thermal comfort
- Synthetic and detailed approaches to equivalent cooling and comfort zones, taking humidity into account, analysis of the Givoni diagram
- Impact of furniture on air flows
- Positioning furniture, screens, etc.
- Regulatory constraints
- RE2020 context, degree-hours
- Desirable noise level for ceiling fans
- Sound comfort for the fan to be considered silent (decibels)
- Brushless DC motors or AC motors
- Characteristics of different DC and AC motors
- Density of fans by type of premises
- Housing (single-family homes, flats), offices, educational premises, high-rise professional premises
- Layout rules for air diffusers
- Distance between fans, distance from walls, strobe effect of lighting
- 3D thermal comfort simulations
- dynamic thermal simulation and digital flow mechanics (CFD)
- Environmental labels
- NF Habitat HQE, Sustainable Building Initiative
- Energy savings
- Savings in kWh linked to perceived temperature, savings linked to temperature setpoint adjustment, savings on cathedral ceilings
- Installation and maintenance
- Tutorials and videos on assembly, mounting systems and remote control pairing

Guide to choosing the right ceiling fan?
Summary table
Standard clause CCTP
Which diameter to choose?
Zone of influence of brewers according to blade diameter
Air velocity, air flow: which indicator to choose?
Air speed and zone of influence
Experience in France overseas
How do you take ceiling height into account?
Minimum blade height for ceiling fans and standard NF EN 60335-2-80
Traditional ceiling heights of 2.50 m and possible solutions
Should you opt for brushless DC motors?
AC motor & DC motor comparison by various criteria
Acoustics: what noise levels should ceiling fans meet?
Acoustics of low- and high-speed ceiling fans
NF habitat HQE label
Cerqual certifier
Ceiling fan power consumption: a performance criterion?
Maximum power
Energy efficiency
LED lighting on ceiling fans: a point of caution?
Different light intensities
LED intensity table for fans
When to put an LED, when not to
Elements to take into account for a good CCTP concerning the choice of LEDS
How do the blades affect the performance of the machine?
The materials, shapes and number of blades and their impact on the performance, service life and purchase cost of a bladed fan.
Remote control: fixed or mobile?
Advantages & disadvantages
Impact on pairing
The impact of after-sales service on model choice
Criteria for choosing your supplier
Standard CCTP Clause for Ceiling Fans
Is buying cheap worth it?

They trust us
Discover our customers and business partners

List of equipped customers
Nurseries, schools, colleges, universities Town halls, administrative buildings, ERP Ministry of Defense CROUS, EHPAD, CPAM Prisons, airports Hotels, restaurants Collective housing Single-family homes Sports halls Offices
In Zone H3/H2D (Mediterranean arc), ceiling fans are essential for summer comfort to meet RE2020 requirements.

About us
We are a French company with a large stock of ceiling fans located in France.
Our energy specialist can support design offices, contractors and architects in their most advanced requirements.
Our sales & technical department can help you present the fans to your face, or optimize their dimensions for your layout plans.
Our integrated logistics service can deliver fans by the unit or by the hundreds, anywhere in France or Europe. Our quotations include delivery from the first ceiling fan ordered.
Our after-sales service is on hand to ensure perfect operation in the event of any queries.
All our ceiling fans are high quality products, guaranteed for a minimum of 5 years.
Working with us means :
- Benefit from relevant advice on the models best suited to your project and your summer comfort objectives.
- A selection of unique Ceiling Fans in line with RE2020 targets
- Products available immediately from stock, with delivery anywhere in France or Europe within a few days.
- Available contacts based in France before and after the sale.
Our markets
Brasseurs d’Air SAS sells ceiling fans in the following markets:
- Residential
- Commercial
- Educational establishments



Educational establishments
Tips for sizing and installing ceiling fans
We’ve put together a number of guides to help you determine the optimum number and size of ceiling fans, as well as placement tips.
Similarly, you’ll come across many different types of configuration (false ceilings, plenums, slopes, concrete…), so we’ve designed guides for mounting our ceiling fans according to the various technical possibilities. Our fans are also EASY & QUICK TO INSTALL.
This will save you precious installation time, which will be reflected in the final bill.
These guides & tips can be downloaded free of charge from our professional area.
Case study: Ventilation in new multi-family housing
1. Context
The advent of RE2020 imposes regulatory constraints on new multi-family housing. In order to comply with RE2020, thermal engineers are using ceiling fans to significantly reduce degree hours.
2. Solutions
Samarat ceiling fans are particularly recommended thanks to their high energy efficiency (m3/h/watts), but also because our ceiling fan complies with the NF EN CEI 60335-2-80 standard of 2.30 meters under blades when the ceiling height is 2.50 meters (which is often the case in new apartment buildings).
3. References
Among our achievements:
- Roquefort les pins (06) with 120 Samarat fans installed.
- Résidence Le Lavandin (34) with 240 Samarat fans installed.
- Crous Arsonval Grenoble (38) with 110 Samarat fans installed.
- Crous Toulon (83) with 200 Samarat fans installed.
- Silver Cross for Herault Logements (34) with 200 Samarat fans installed.

Photo: Le Lavandin (34) 240 Samarat fans
Air speed

Exhale is a unique, patented (3 patents) bladeless fan that distributes air at 360 degrees. As a result, its diffusion zone is much wider than that of a bladed fan. The air speed of the Exhale ceiling fan is also more evenly distributed for all room occupants.
The Exhale fan is therefore ideal for rooms with a large number of occupants (open-plan offices, schools, colleges, etc.), to ensure that each occupant receives the same air speed.

With the Samarat ceiling fan, we obtain a high airflow rate (almost 12,000 m3/h), which is interesting in RE2020 to reduce DH (the maximum airflow rate is counted in RE2020). On the other hand, air velocity is concentrated directly below the ceiling fan. However, as soon as you move away from the ceiling fan, you’ll find zones with much lower air velocity, which means you’ll have to plan/size more carefully if there are many occupants in the room where the ceiling fan is located.
Ceiling fan news
We equip Nantes airport with Exhale fans
101 Exhale ceiling fans installed in Berlin’s Stay City Wilde apartment hotels
Heat wave plan for overheated schools – La Marseillaise
The City of Marseille details its heatwave plan for schools – Marsactu
Reduce the cost of new single-family homes with ceiling fans
Summer comfort in educational establishments
The right number of ceiling fans in a room
Ceiling fan acoustics: NF Habitat HQE label
Contact us for your projects:
2 Avenue Pythagore, BAL 33
06560 Valbonne
+334 92 38 96 50
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